
Fort Worth Water Gardens

Houston & W. 14th St. - 1974

  • Active Pool From Above
    Active Pool from Above
  • Active Pool from the Bottom
    Active Pool from the Bottom
  • The Aerating Pool
    The Aerating Pool

This park was designed by Phillip Johnson from New York. It was constructed by Thos. S. Byrne General Contractors in Fort Worth.  The water park is an oasis in the concrete jungle of the center of town. The park features three pools of water: the aerating pool, the quiet pool, and the active pool with water tumbling down a series of terraces down to a small pit. In 2002, the gardens were modified to allow direct access from the Convention Center expansion.  This included a new north entrance to the park and restoration of the multiple sprays in the aerating pool.  Portions of the movie Logan's Run were filmed at the active pool.  The park later went through more extensive renovations and modifications on the interior of the park.


Architectural Style:

Phillip Johnson, New York

Thos. S. Byrne, Fort Worth

City Park