
Dr Pepper Bottling Co.

1401 Henderson St. - 1938

  • Dr Pepper Bottling Co.
    Dr Pepper Bottling Co.

When opened, this building was considered the ultimate modern industrial plant.  It was designed by Hubert Hammond Crane and built by Thos. S. Byrne Construction Co.  The building itself used the popular ziggurat of early Art Deco designs, but the detailing within is more of the Streamlined Moderne style.  At the top of the clock/bell tower, was the familiar old Dr Pepper logo of a clock with 10, 2, and 4 numerals displayed on the north and south faces.  The bells chimed out daily at those appropriate times.  In 1965, Dr Pepper relocated to larger facilities and since then, the building has been home to many different businesses including a business college, office supply company, and an architectural firm.  Over the years, it has been remodeled extensively by each tenant.


Historic Photograph From UTA Library Digital Galleries:
1949 Photo of Dr Pepper Bottling Works


Architectural Style:
Art Deco Combination of Zigzag Moderne and Streamline Moderne

Hubert Hammond Crane, Fort Worth

Thos. S. Byrne, Fort Worth
